About Alina

Ahoy there! This is captain Alina Rubin speaking. 

Writing changed my life. Publishing changed it again.

Since I wrote my debut novel in 2021, which a year later won the Illinois Soon to be Famous Author Award, I began my journey as an entrepreneur. As a self-published author, I controlled every aspect of the process, from hiring the best editor for my book to choosing keywords that would reach the right readers on Amazon. Writing turned out to be the easy part! Once I got the hang of things, I found book launch and marketing are more successful with proper planning.

Since then I've sold thousands of copies, had over a million page reads on Kindle Unlimited, and spoke at author events, podcasts, local tv station, libraries, and community centers. At my presentations, I advocated for self-publishing because of all the opportunities it brought me. Attendees would tell me they have a desire to write and publish a book. I wanted to help. In March 2024, I launched Hearts and Sails Author Services.

Want to learn about my historical fiction novels? Visit my author page.

Alina Rubin is a historical fiction author, speaker, and an entrepreneur.

Her company Hearts and Sails Author Services helps writers publish books of their dreams.

Contact: alina@alinarubinauthor.com